Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Rich's #7

The day started at the Grand Canyon enjoying the views that the weather denied us yesterday and the detour that took us here from the most direct route was worth every mile.

Although dry and bright the temperature was still below freezing and by the time Phil and Andy set off there was still ice on the road. After just under 2 miles they stopped riding and we all went to get breakfast together to wait for the ice to thaw.

Having had their fill they resumed and Gar and I took our place in the van. It was still bitterly cold and so we sat well wrapped. However, 30 miles down the road when we got out to begin our stint it was into nice warm(ish) sunshine and so we hurriedly removed a layer prior to setting off.

Gareth was feeling good (as evidenced by the air drumming) and several times I had to ask him to take it down a notch, but we still made good time.

While Andy and Phil were back out on the road Chats interviewed us in the RV. Because of a slight vocal indiscretion Gareth requested a 2nd take, but Walter Matthau and Jack Lemmon in the pilot and co-pilot seats and me tried as hard as we could to make his 2nd take even less of a success.

Back out on the road again and we had a slight role reversal as Gareth took some time to get his legs going - not helped by him discovering after 9 miles that his front brake pads were rubbing slightly on the wheel.

Then it was on to Monument Valley for further photo opportunities and yet again the landscape was remarkable.

4 days in and I'm now into unknown territory in terms of consecutive days of cycling. Apart from some soreness on my behind (it feels like someone is trying to pull out the hair on my bum every time I sit down) I feel good.


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