Saturday, March 14, 2009


For you to get the full benefit of Mervyn coming on the trip you will need to understand what he says:
'if you got a drip see the plumber' - don't moan about it behind people's back, get it sorted!
'were you adrift this morning?' - did you get up late?!
'Stand still , when I'm telling you to march, boy!' - Do as I say however ridiculous it sounds.
'monkey see, monkey do' - do as i say!
'where's the sledge' - a tool used to sort out all problems!
'has he mustered his kit?' - has he been so ill that he has been sick?!
'excuse me dit on' - he likes telling stories a la Uncle Albert!
'golden eagle has shat the golden egg' - if he's got to go he's got to go!
'the lesser known pembrokeshire shite hawk' - known for his bird spotting!
'sukran sudiki' - thank you very much in Arabic!
'that's the ship biscuit' - that's very good!
'i think that's a biff getting off the bus' - um?
'paso y menyn' - cardiff welsh at its best!
'paso y llath' - again Cardiff welsh at it's best!
'you're a better man than me Gunga Din' - you're not netter than me whatever you think!
'mixyblob today' - anything goes in the pot!
'let's have a run ashore' - let's get shi ters! - let's get off the boat and have a drink with some shipmates!
'pass the slide' - pass me the butter please!
'the galley staff domestic was poleaxed' - when describing an accident will frequently go to navy speak! hope there's no accidents!
'are there any more cackleberries' - I like to have an egg or two with my lunch!
i love good clacker' - I enjoy a good crust of pastry on my chicken pie!
'boys it's time for a cup of chai' - let's have a cup of tea!
'standeasy - what time are we mustering' - take your time but what time are we meeting?!
'he mustered his kit' - my friend isn't feeling very well!
'alright to slip and proceed' - I'm sloping off without anyone knowing!
'what's for figgy duff' - dessert is a very important part of the meal!
'Herbert Thompson College of Knowledge' - Cardiff's unique educational establishment!
'the ships' leaving harbour' - kettle is boiling!
'loose lips sink ships' - keep quiet about secrets!
'hands across the sea, pals for ever' - I will be your mate for a long time!
'Sylvest - he had 40 medals on his chest' - he will break into song, make out as if you know what he's singing about!
'who's cleaning the heads' - toilets!
'You are having my trousers down' - you are poking fun at me and having a laugh on my account!
'going to the khazi' - going to the traps!
'scrobie dhobi' - going for a wash/shower!
'have you got any dhobi dust?' - have you got any washing powder for my dirty underwear?!
'did I tell you I used to be in the navy' - he will tell you constantly. Your reply should be, 'I didn't know you were in the navy'!
'he wasn't gay when I shagged him' - the gentleman I danced with wasn't homosexual!
'they've changed the programme' - he likes to keep to the procedures that have been set out!
'El Stump' - a good friend of his who struggles in the height department!
'individual wets' - do not make a cup of tea for your self!
'pass me a fanny' - navy speak for a cooking pot!
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