Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Stoney’s viewpoint – Day 5

We have just arrived in Dulce after a glorious cycle/drive from Mexican Hat, via Monument Valley – the scene for our webpage and logo.
After a dreadful nights sleep, (where I ended up on the floor, freezing and aching all over, after Henry “The Kitten” Jones and Tomos “Onslow” Wilding managed to pinch the beds in our room, whilst I was drying the clothes for the team!!!!!!!) we set off after a hearty breakfast to Dulce. We weighed anchor of HMS Hwyl, with Kitten at the helm and Admiral Cooper organising the bridge and my good self in the navigation chair, whilst Tom was at the wheel of the Media Carrier, with Porth riding shotgun.
We made a quick stop at Monument Valley (again!!!!), for Dyffers and Craig to do the camera work, catching the Intrepid Four with our logo panorama in the background, whilst, in fairness, we took a fair few photos ourselves.
When we finally managed to grasp the camera away from the Media Kings, we continued onwards (and upwards) to Dulce. The scenery was, once again impressive and the climate most favourable for cyclists (so they told me before I was daft enough to find out for myself).
After a quick stop at Farmington, we finally managed to get a telephone signal for the first time in 3 days. I received a few texts from back home, with morale support from my good lady wife, Eileen and Sian Maud (plus a gloating e-mail from Buster because England finished higher than Wales in the 6 Nations). I even managed to get through to Eileen for a quick chat, and I must admit to feeling homesick for the first time on the trip. She also had a quick chat with our nephew, Gareth “Seren” Evans, which was a major achievement, as it was not on camera!!!!!!
After a hundred or so miles of excellent times achieved by the Intrepid Four, I was roped in 35 miles out, for a leg with The Bear and Pork Pie. What I didn’t realise was that after an initial downhill (where I failed to keep up with the larger cyclists, me being the new, slimmer version of the Milgi) we had to climb……and climb…..and climb!!!!! In fairness, they monitored the speed for me to keep up, although we maintained an average of 19mph for the leg. Not bad for 7000 ft!!!!
Can you believe it? 17 miles out from Dulce, Seren and Tricky Dicky decided to do the last leg. They must have wanted yet another photo opportunity!!!!! We had hoped to cycle the last leg together, especially after the long climb, but alas, it was not to be. So we three had to climb on board HMS Hwyl, sweat pouring through my USA bandana from my shining dome and onward to Dulce. The problem was, I didn’t see one more hill (at least not upwards!!!!) until we reached Dulce. 17 miles downhill – and they had the cheek to doubt my integrity after my unexpected 20 miler downhill. Was I impressed? I don’t think so, as my shipmates on HMS Hwyl can vouch. The air could be described as seriously Anglo Saxon, although I saw the funny side by the time we arrived.
We arrived at Best Western, Dulce and after the usual post cycle ablutions, we adjourned for our evening tucker and post mortem of the day. I have just received my best meal in America – Tacos and Enchiladas combination, with Spanish Rice and Beans, washed down with some Coors.
Just got time to try and beat my roommates to grab a bed!!!!!
Another great day. 14 to go and Taos tomorrow, where we are anticipating the welcome of the trip!!!!!!!
Happy days

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