Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Gar's #10

Austin - Houston, Texas; day 10

Personally, the least enjoyable day on the bike for me, for various reasons. The conditions of the roads weren't the best today. Constant bumps and unsmooth roads playing havoc on saddle rash and aching joints. There also seemed to be a very strong wind early on, making it very difficult to get into any rhythm. There are some bloody idiots on these roads too, although some drivers probably say the same about us. On numerous occasions on our first leg, it felt as if some Texans were trying to play 'cidior cymro' on bikes. Not a pleasant experience being pushed ever and ever closer off the road. The roads were the equivalent of the A48 without a hard shoulder, so it was some relief when a hard shoulder appeared later on.
Chance for a break, until it was time to cross over exit slip roads, and the 'cidior cymro' continued!!

The weather has brightened up no doubt, it's about 70-75 degrees, which means we can all at least work on our cyclists tan!! Rich felt it today also, there was no 'gettin on the bang today'. It goes to show that although it was a relatively short day, how much we've put ourselves through in the last 10days. Quite possibly the best part of the day was myself and pirate stone letting off some steam with a mini tirade of 'abuse ping pong'. Probably did us both good to let off sone steam. Stoney probably had the last laugh, especially when he receives a Phone call from my mother saying that some woman called Denise had found my mobile in the back of an Austin cab!!

It's off to an old mate of Andy's tonight, Ian Cross, who's kindly putting us up for the evening, and tomorrow we leave Texas and head for New Orleans and good ol' Louisiana. 5 days to go. Today gave the first real signs of fatigue, there wasn't quite as much 'oomf' left in the legs, shoulders and wrists are really startin to ache, and as for the saddle rash...you don't want to know about that. What have we got to moan about though? When you hear some of the stories from the people we've met along the way, and think of who were collecting for; a bit of saddle soreness and pain Is a small price. 5 days to go; a lot can happen in 1 day, let alone 5.

Big hand for Chatsy tonight who dropped the usual 'cheeseburger please' and went for the fish asks chips. Another week, and he'd have progressed onto chicken dippers.

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