Friday, March 27, 2009

A message from Grace Jones, Taos

Dear Coast2Coast "Warriors"

Our family enjoyed sharing the beautiful arrival of your cyclist team in Taos.

I'd like to say a personal thank you. Nobody cares that you are not professional cyclist, but that you are, "Warriors, Angels, and Hero's !!!

I have many friends, that have cancer, my mother just past away March 5, 2009.

It is people like you who make a difference in this world. You are helping children and their families have better medical care, and place to stay when their children are sick in the hospital.

We have travelled your path, and we know the weather conditions are extreme, and dangerous!

But because you are Warriors, Angels, and Hero's, you will have great protection on your journey to raise money for these children. You will be honored by people with great appreciation. You will have many blessings on your path. You will be gifted by the Great Spirit and Mother earth. You will see and experience paradise. Eagles will watch over you, bears, cougars, wolfs, coyotes, snakes,elk, buffalo, tarantulas, deer, will cross your path honoring you! You will see cloud spirits, that will communicate an image never seen before. Be aware of these great blessings on your journey back home. You make the world a better place to live in. We honor you, and wish you a safe journey home to your family.

O nah ka wa,

Paul, Grace and Viollette Jones

* Thank you for the beautiful music this evening, it will be remembered forever in our hearts.

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